I've teamed up with Yoga Journal to bring you this incredible and accessible online course that will transform your body, mind, and heart and support you in your personal journey toward inner peace and contentment. Yoga for Inner Peace is a 3-month course that will help you release your emotions, achieve inner peace, and get rid of that nagging feeling that you are not enough. Our intention is to offer you practices to help you embrace what has changed my mind, life, relationships, and what that is is believing in yourself. Simply put, believing that you are enough.

          Have you ever been uprooted, physically or emotionally? I’m not only talking about the big kinds of uprooting, like moving states and switching jobs, but also the everyday circumstances that leave you feeling untethered, disoriented, and unsettled. We all long for security blankets, but at some point our rooting has to come from a source other than external comforts. This first chapter is about how to create an internal home base. The sequence starts on the ground and grows into a warrior. It requires balance. These tools can be friends during large and small transitions.


          I created this course because yoga helped her find inner peace after years of struggling with addiction, trauma, and chaos, as I shared with you last year in her memoir, Yoga for Life: A Journey to Inner Peace and Freedom. I know that it was not easy to practice the sequences from the book. It is awkward to keep propping the book open and reading and following the poses from pictures. Yoga Journal saw an opportunity to take Yoga for Life and make it digital. We spent the winter together visualizing, filming, and finally bringing to fruition a course based on the book. Please join me and sign up for Yoga for Inner Peace TODAY to start changing your life for the better. We even offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied. 

Some of the exclusive content you will get with this 3-month course:

  • Three yogic practices a week for twelve weeks.
  • A weekly guided meditation, pranayama, and asana practice.
  • Journaling. We will be real and ask ourselves some tough questions.
  • Useful tips, like how to fold a pranayama blanket
  • A closed Facebook group where we'll build community and go through this transformative journey together.
  • Plus, I will be with you for the entire time in any way that technology allows me to be – social media, webinars, blogs, etc. No question will go unanswered. We will build a community and dig deep, hold each other, connect, uncover, and transform.